The Innovative Artist: Abstracts and Mixed Media


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Explore abstract art with a mix of media and methods, under the guidance of expert artist Helen Kaminsky.

The Innovative Artist series provides a unique insight into the methods and materials used by leading contemporary artists who are pushing the boundaries of their art. Through numerous examples of the author’s work alongside practical demonstrations, each book provides a fascinating exploration of the artist’s creative process that will inspire the reader to move forward on their own artistic journey.

Abstracts and Mixed Media is aimed at artists who wish to explore the possibilities offered by mixed media in new and impressive ways. Helen’s love of colour and experimentation is carried through layers of imagery and texture with a gloriously vibrant mix of traditional and imaginative new techniques. It is the experimental combination of these methods that gives each painting its unique glowing quality.

Artists will discover different ways of mixing and blending paint with unusual materials, collage techniques, fun printing methods, mark-making with found objects, and original ways to incorporate homemade stencils and stamps into their work. Helen leads the reader through her exciting range of techniques using charcoal, gesso, oil pastels, wet and dry media, printing and mark-making materials, and collage.

  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback Flexi-binding
  • Publication: 25 January 2022
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781782218777
  • Size: 216×280 mm
  • Illustrations: 450
  • Pages: 176
  • Series: The Innovative Artist

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