All about Acrylics

Oorspronkelijke prijs was: €30.95.Huidige prijs is: €19.95.

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It is suitable for both beginners who wish to familarise themselves with acrylic painting, and more advanced artists who are looking for new ways to express themselves. Whether you prefer traditional or more experimental painting, this book seeks to present a broad range of styles and techniques, and to offer the reader a quick and uncomplicated entry into the world of acrylic painting. After an overview of paints and how they work, there follows an exhaustive section on materials, which describes all the paints, mediums, grounds,brushes and other tools that are available to the acrylic artist. The next section covers colour theory and a wide variety of techniques, and in the final part the authors present examples of how these techniques are used in portraiture, still lifes and landscape painting. The authors’ aim is to give the reader a step-by-step guide to painting a picture and to offer them background theory and knowledge as and when their interest deepens.

Oliver Löhr, Kristina Schaper and Ute Zander
Search Press


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